What Information is Needed for a Music Album or Single on the Creator Portal?
(* is a required field)
Track Title* - Exact title of the Album/Single, as you want it minted
Track Subtitle
Artist/Band name(s)* - Exact names of Band or artist(s)
Track Title* - Exact title of the Album/Single, as you want it minted
Track Subtitle
Artist/Band name(s)* - Exact names of Band or artist(s)
Upload the media source file(s). [WAV Format Only]. Make name the file name of the track.* - More Information
Upload a single cover.(File must be 4000 x 4000 pixels and in PNG or JPG format)* - More Information
Upload a secondary store banner graphic. Max file size: 1 MB size: 1800W x300H pixels - Example
One line metadata description* - Example
Short Landing Page Description* - Example
Long Landing Page Description* - Example
Artist/Band Biography* - Example
Upload Artist or Band Headshot: 400 x 400 pixels in PNG or JPG format. - Used for biography section
Run Time (In hours, minutes and seconds)* - Total run time of album or single
Studio, Producer, Cover Art Credits, etc. - Additional credits for the music
What date was this work initially available to the public through any outlet? (Leave blank if this asset has never been available before.)
Genres* - Multi-select available
Audio Language* - Select the language the music is in
Does this work have adult content? (Languages, Images, etc). Intentionally mislabeling your content will result in automatic deletion and you will not be refunded any fees.* - Yes or No to graphic language or images
Anything else you would like us to know?
Requested release date. Note: we do not guarantee any dates but will try to accommodate.
Instagram Profile - Artist's Instagram Page, used on secondary marketplaces
X (Twitter) Profile - Artist's X Page, used on secondary marketplaces
Discord Invite - Artist's Discord invite link, used on secondary marketplaces
Website - Artist's webpage, used on secondary marketplaces
Secondary store banner graphic
Metadata Quote
Short Landing Page Description
Long Landing Page
Artist/Band Biography